Diabetes Information

What is your weight too much?

What is your age above 40?

Do you have anyone in your family diabetics?

This means that any two or all of the above are more likely to stay with your diabetes

 If you have diabetes, you do not control the blindness, a loss, kidney damage, heart attack and stroke, and may also be affected.

Men's waist is 37 inches high. And women's waist is 31.5 inches high, you should test your diabetes.
Keep your diabetes under control and create a healthy normal life.

What diabetics?

Everyday life energy or energy required to generate the somatic cell is turned into glucose enters the blood.

From the blood into cells that generate energy. Most of the cells help the insulin and the insulin it works just like Lock and Key.

A gland called the pancreas does not produce insulin from pancreatic or if the insulin does not work properly when the glucose cannot enter the body cells. High levels of glucose in the blood are from. The status of diabetes.

Perfection :
Once when diabetics do not heal. The disease throughout life. However, with proper treatment can control.
Keep your diabetes under control and create a healthy normal life.

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