6 Health related Tips

6 Health related Tips

i.      Receive phone in the left ear.
ii.     Never take medicine

Some misrule of kidney lose

Some misrule of kidney  lose

   1.  Detaining  urine long time. 
   2.  Not drinking enough water. 
   3.   Taking much salt.

What is a heart attack ?


What is a heart attack?
It Oxygen is interrupted to flow in any part of the heart through, and then this heart attack occurs. It the blood circulation is not natural timely that part of the heart, becomes paralyzed and dead.

The feast of Rats a short story

The feast of Rats
Robindranath Tagore

The boys told, it's very bad, we never learn from the new master; The name of the master who coming Kalikumar Tarkalangkur. After long vacation boys coming back in school from home by the train. Among them one humorous boy made a poem named black pumpkin immolation. Everybody was reciting that loudly.

Is brown rice good for weight loss ?

Brown rice to lose weight and keep body fit

It's necessary to have some definite quantity of carbohydrate, protein and fat in our every meal. Our major part of energy comes from carbohydrates.

Teenage Depression Facts

The changes what are seen in the teenage are same in worldwide. Brain change, hormone section and filling hesitation with his own working competence the compound of those seasons is teenage.